Smart Leadership For A Stronger Tigard

Jake is running to make Tigard a great place to run your business, walk your dog, and raise your kids.

As Tigard’s first Gen Z City Councilor and a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, Jake brought new perspectives and a data-driven approach to City Hall. As a two-term Chair of the Tigard Budget Committee, Jake championed fiscal stewardship and inclusive governance. Jake is dedicated to serving his community so that Tigard is a safe, affordable community where everyone can put down roots. He has pursued practical, common-sense policies with moxie and a collaborative leadership style. And he’s just getting started.

Local and state leaders have endorsed Jake to lead Tigard for the next four years, but he needs your support to win in November. Will you join us?

Jake’s Priorities

  • As a two-term Budget Committee Chair, Jake safeguarded your tax dollars in City Hall. He championed practical solutions to community problems and smart investments in City programs. He reformed the City’s grant programs to establish formal grant requirements, clear funding priorities, and a transparent scoring system. Jake’s leadership fostered open dialogue, valued public input, and brought together diverse perspectives to strengthen City policies.

    As a City Councilor, Jake will continue his practical, inclusive leadership in City Hall so that Tigard remains a dynamic, attractive place to live.

  • Jake believes that public safety is the core responsibility of local government. Everyone should be safe when walking, biking, or driving in Tigard. Everyone should feel secure in their home, neighborhood, and local parks.

    As a City Councilor, Jake will make sure Tigard stays safe. He will ensure that the Tigard Police Department and Tigard Public Works have the resources and facilities to get their jobs done. He advocates for community-centered policing that prioritizes de-escalation, conflict resolution, and active engagement with community members. Jake is a strong supporter of the Safe Routes To Schools program so that kids can safely walk or bike to school. He will also prioritize proper road maintenance, filling gaps in sidewalks and bike lanes, and expanding safe pedestrian zones. Additionally, Jake will promote community education to build support and get community buy-in for policing practices and infrastructure projects. Simply put, Jake will do what it takes to keep our community safe.

  • Jake believes that affordable housing is central to the American Dream. It creates stable households, supports wealth-building, and guarantees a dignified retirement. As a long-time renter and first-time home owner, Jake understands the need for affordable housing in Tigard.

    Unfortunately, only 26% of Tigard residents feel that there is adequate availability of quality affordable housing. Even more concerning, 28% of Tigard’s renter households are severely rent-burdened (or spend 50%+ of their incomes on housing costs). This crisis affects our entire community: young people starting out in life, families raising kids, seniors on fixed incomes, and many others.

    As a City Councilor, Jake will lead the charge to address housing needs in Tigard. He is committed to incentivizing and supporting the development of more affordable housing. He will advocate for a range of housing options to meet Tigard’s diverse needs. Jake will partner with federal, state, and regional governments to secure funding and resources for affordable housing projects and rent assistance programs. These will ensure that everyone in Tigard has access to a safe and affordable place to call home.

  • Jake believes homelessness is our region’s moral challenge. It is not progressive to let people live on the streets, full stop.

    When Jake talks with community members, homelessness often tops their list of worries. Residents worry about the impacts of unhoused residents on safety and livability. Business owners worry about disturbances to commercial property and business operations. Unhoused residents worry about finding a safe place to sleep and a path to stable housing. This is a complex issue that requires careful handling.

    As a City Councilor, Jake will address homelessness with compassion and common sense. In his first weeks in office, Jake strengthened Tigard’s time, place, and manner restrictions to keep community areas safe while still providing designated camping spots. Jake will continue backing community-focused police officers, sending mental health clinicians on police calls to people in crisis, and more staffing resources to help unhoused residents. He supports partnerships with nonprofits and government agencies to provide wraparound services in Tigard and tackle the root causes of homelessness. Jake is committed to reducing homelessness and strengthening services in Tigard for everyone’s benefit.

  • Jake understands the value of public libraries. As a kid, he spent summers visiting local libraries with his grandparents. Now, as the Council liaison to the Library Board, Jake has learned firsthand about the dedication it takes for the Tigard Library to offer its amazing programs and services for free. It is a safe space, a hub for connecting with educational and support services, and a vital resource for accessing digital resources.

    As a City Councilor, Jake will strongly advocate for the Tigard Library. With the upcoming changes to the Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) funding model, which currently provides 50% of the Tigard Library's budget, Jake is committed to securing the essential resources to ensure the Tigard Library continues to meet the community's needs. He supports upgrading library facilities, including replacing the HVAC system so that the library can continue serving as a cooling center during extreme heat. He will oppose attempts to ban books in order to protect freedom of speech and access to information. Jake is determined to maintain the Tigard Library as a valuable community center and resource.

Selected Endorsements

  • Mayor Heidi Lueb

    Heidi Lueb

    Mayor of Tigard

  • Tigard Council President Yi-Kang Hu

    Yi-Kang Hu

    Tigard City Council President

  • Jeanette Shaw

    Jeanette Shaw

    Tigard City Councilor

  • Maureen Wolf

    Maureen Wolf

    Tigard City Councilor

  • Aaron Woods

    Aaron Woods

    State Senator

  • State Representative Ben Bowman

    Ben Bowman

    State Representative

  • State Representative Courtney Neron

    Courtney Neron

    State Representative

  • Tristan Irvin

    Tristan Irvin

    Tigard-Tualatin School Board Chair

  • Jason Snider

    Jason Snider

    Former Mayor of Tigard, Washington County Commissioner-Elect

  • Margaret Doherty

    Former State Representative

  • Former State Senator Mark Hass

    Mark Hass

    Former State Senator

  • Tualatin Valley Water District Commissioner Carl Fisher

    Carl Fisher

    Tualatin Valley Water District President

  • Tigard Water District Commissioner Marie Walkiewicz

    Marie Walkiewicz

    Tigard Water District Commissioner

  • Tristan Jackson

    Tigard Planning Commission President

  • Tigard Chamber of Commerce

    Tigard Chamber of Commerce

  • Tigard Police Officers' Association

    Tigard Police Officers' Association

  • Oregon League of Conservation Voters

    Oregon League of Conservation Voters

  • Washington County Democrats

    Washington County Democrats

  • Young Democrats of Oregon Caucus

    Young Democrats of Oregon Caucus

  • Victory Fund

    LGBTQ+ Victory Fund

Support Our Campaign!

Jake needs your support to make his vision for Tigard a reality. Your donation will help him pay for signs, flyers, mailers, digital advertising, and more. Can you chip in to help power our campaign?